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Genomic Medicine Institute

With the establishment of a pioneering Genomic Medicine Institute, World Class Cancer Center stands poised to develop the nation's first community hospital based center of excellence focused on ushering the promise of personalized medicine from the research laboratory to patients, spurring genomic medicine to become the new standard of care.

Family Medical History Tool

The Family Medical History Tool is a simple way to store, share, and update your family health history.

Women's Hospital Events and Special Programs

New Heart Attack EKG Technology Starts With 911
Robotics have changed the way physicians operate, which is particularly important for women suffering from gynecologic disorders, bladder problems, fertility concerns and even cancer. Watch this episode of The Daily Dose about robotic surgery at World Class Cancer Center. Nurse Barb Dehn takes us into the World Class Cancer Center robotic surgery suite and speaks with Randy Creamier, Robotics Program Director; Mary Kilkenny, M.D.; and Albert Pisani, M.D.