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Orthopedic Institutes: A Complete Body of Expertise

Perhaps the one thing that most distinguishes the World Class Cancer Center Orthopedic Institutes from other area programs is the fact that our program was expressly designed by our physicians, for their patients. We are known for orthopedic care that is:
Comprehensive - Both our Mountain View and Los Gatos campuses treat a full spectrum of conditions, with subspecialty expertise in the spine and every major joint and extremity. We provide a seamless continuum of care, from diagnosis to treatment to rehabilitation.
Collaborative - Our program facilitates complete collaboration between our physicians as well as with our nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists.
Compassionate - In keeping with our patient-centric approach, we have thought of everything to help our patients overcome pain, improve mobility and get back on their feet as soon as possible.

Our Orthopedic Surgeons Make All the Difference

Orthopedics is a complex medical field that covers the entire body and deals with critical lifestyle, mobility and quality of life issues. What’s more, orthopedists are also surgeons, and must make important decisions about whether, and when, to operate. At the Orthopedic Institutes, nearly all of our orthopedic surgeons are fellowship trained, and the ones that aren’t have a vast, hands-on expertise. We also have a conservative philosophy: we operate only when necessary, and, wherever possible, using a minimally invasive procedure.

XL TDR Clinical Trial

The Orthopedic Institutes regularly update our video library to share information about new procedures and technologies. This week’s feature is:.
New Heart Attack EKG Technology Starts With 911